No. There is a basic function of physics that you have to overcome to reduce Ping. * Your computer shows not have any unnecessary processes running and it should be as fast as possible. * Your Internet connection should be as fast and as low laten

Aug 01, 2018 How to reduce ping in PC games - Gamers Discussion Hub When playing online games, a good practice is to close applications and programs that run in the background. Closing all open programs that run in the background can actually help reduce ping speed in online games. The most effective method to close any program and executable file from your computer are through the task manager. COD Mobile: How to fix lag and reduce ping while playing Lag and ping issues are some of the major issues that the players face while playing any online game. Hence, the players might sometimes come across ping issues in COD Mobile as well.

Apr 28, 2017

Tried and Tested Ways of Reducing Ping in Online Games

The massively popular massively multiplayer online game. see LoL (League of Legends) Ping Test. CS:GO Ping Test see CS:GO Ping Test. Apex Ping Test. Here are the server pings of the new Apex Legends Battle Royale game based on Titanfall but is not actually anything like Titanfall. see Apex Ping Test. Hearthstone Ping Test. Hearthstone is

What Is Ping and How Ping Affects Your Online Gaming