Webmin A web-based interface for system administration of UNIX Brought to you by: jcameron , rostovtsev

如何设置Shorewall(海岸线)4.0防火墙在CentOS … 2017-9-23 · 如何在CentOS 5.1上设置Shorewall(Shoreline)4.0防火墙 介绍 本教程将引导您在CentOS 5.1上设置Shorewall(Shoreline)4.0防火墙,这可以轻松适应任何其他Linux发行版。 Linux Firewall - Webmin Documentation 2016-3-10 · Webmin can be used to edit any of the existing firewall rules that have been created manually, in another program or using this module. Even though the module does not support all of the available IPtables condition and action options, you can still use it … Failed to save interface : Missing or invalid interface I am attempting to use webmin to set up a firewall/gateway router according to this set of instructions. The network interface (enp6s0) that is connected to the internet is listed in both the "Active Now" and the "Activated at Boot" tabs Webmin: Webmin是目前功能最强大的基于Web …

对于你答案的第一部分,我只是提出一个build议。 shorewall + webmin。 (webmin有一个很好的模块,用于shorewall) 如果你不喜欢这个select, 看看eBox。 它很快将基于Ubuntu 10.04(目前8.04),是一个完整的UTM。

2011-7-20 · Webmin 让您能够在远程使用支持 HTTPS (SSL 上的 HTTP)协议的 Web 浏览器通过 Web 界面管理您的主机。 这在保证了安全性的前提下提供 阅读全文 posted @ 2011-07-20 13:47 google4y 阅读(193) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 How to install Webmin modules to add new features?

Webmin | Oracle Solaris Blog

Tr:HOWTO: Make a Firewall using Shorewall and … 2019-1-13 · NASIL: Shorewall ve Webmin Kullanarak Güvenlik Duvarı Oluşturma Eminim kendi güvenlik duvarınızı oluşturmak için buradasınız. Bunun webmin & shorewall ile ayarlamak çok kolay. Yapacağım her şeyde "MSC.Linux Theme" temasını kullanıyor olacağım. How to install Webmin on CentOS 7 - LinTut Webmin is a web-based graphical tool for unix . It is used to manage services like User management, Disk managemet, Network, Iptables (Firewall), Cron, Apache, DNS, File sharing and much more . In this article i will show you how to install webmin on CentOS 7 linux.. Install Webmin on CentOS 7. To get started, login your remote server and follow the steps below: VPS服务器教程:如何在Ubuntu 18.04上安 … 2019-5-14 · 本文旨在帮助您在全新安装的Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver上安装Webmin,然后向您介绍一些基本功能,如创建网站和添加用户。Webmin是一款提供基于Web界面的面板来管理您的Ubuntu服务器,而不必通过命令行文件编辑执行所有繁琐且容易出错的操作。 Webmin可以免费用来代替cPanel或Plesk等商业产品的免费替代品。